
  • Define the environment variables $HBQL_HOME and unzip the distribution to $HBQL_HOME.
  • Clone to $TRX_HOME and build with branch 0.90.0-DEV-2
  • Add the following jars to your client classpath.
    • $HBQL_HOME/hbql-
    • $TRX_HOME/org/apache/hbase-trx-0.90.0-DEV-2.jar
    • $HBQL_HOME/lib/antlr-runtime-3.1.3.jar
    • $HBQL_HOME/lib/jline-0.9.94.jar (if you want to use the console)
  • Add the following jar to HBASE_CLASSPATH in $HBASE_HOME/conf/ and restart hbase.
    • $HBQL_HOME/hbql-
    • $TRX_HOME/org/apache/hbase-trx-0.90.0-DEV-2.jar
  • To verify your installation, run the console and enter the VERSION and SHOW TABLES commands.

THBase Index Support (

  • As described on the github hbase-trx home, modify hbase-site.xml to turn
    on the IndexedRegionServer. This is done by setting the properties
    hbase.regionserver.class, hbase.regionserver.impl, and hbase.hregion.impl as shown: