String Functions

Function Return Type Description Example Result
Trim(string) string Returns string with leading and trailing whitespace omitted trim(' val ') 'val'
Upper(string) string Returns the uppercase version of string upper('val') 'VAL'
Lower(string) string Returns the lowercase version of string lower('VAL') 'val'
Concat(string1, string2) string Returns the concatenation of string 1 and string2 concat('VAL', 'val') 'VALval'
Replace(string1, string2, string3) string Returns all occurences of string2 with string3 in string1 replace('val', 'v', 'l') 'lal'
Substring(string, int1, int2) string Returns the string from 0-based index int1 with length int2 subString('val', '0', '2') 'va'
ZeroPad(int1, int2) string Returns the zero-padded string of int1 with int2 width zeroPad(4, 5) '00004'
Length(string) int Returns the length of string length('val') 3
IndexOf(string1, string2) int Returns the 0-based index of string2 in string1 (-1 if not found) indexOf('val', 'v') 0
Repeat(string, int) string Returns the string repeated int times repeat('abc', 3) 'abcabcabc'

Numeric Functions

Function Return Type Description Example Result
Abs(number) number Returns absolute value of number abs(-34) 34
Lesser(number1, number2) number Returns the smaller of number1 and number2 lesser(2, 3) 2
Greater(number1, number2) number Returns the greater of number1 and number2 greater(2, 3) 3
Short(string) short Returns short value of string short('34') 34
Integer(string) int Returns integer value of string integer('34') 34
Long(string) long Returns long value of string long('34') 34L
Float(string) float Returns float value of string float('34.0') 34.0F
Double(string) double Returns double value of string double('34.0') 34.0D
RandomInteger() int Returns random int value randomInteger() random int value
RandomLong() long Returns random long value randomLong() random long value
RandomFloat() float Returns random float value randomFloat() random float value
RandomDouble() double Returns random double value randomDouble() random double value

Boolean Functions

Function Return Type Description Example Result
DefinedInRow(column) boolean Returns true if column is defined in current row definedInRow(f1:val1) true if f1:val1 is defined in current row
RandomBoolean() boolean Returns random boolean value randomBoolean() random boolean value
Eval(string) boolean Returns the evaluation of string eval('34 = 34') true
MappingExists(string) boolean Returns true if mapping exists mappingExists('foo') true if mapping foo exists
TableExists(string) boolean Returns true if table exists tableExists('foo') true if table foo exists
TableEnabled(string) boolean Returns true if table is enabled tableEnabled('foo') true if table foo is enabled
TableAvailable(string) boolean Returns true if table is available tableAvailable('foo') true if table foo is available
FamilyExistsForTable(string, string) boolean Returns true if table has family familyExistsForTable('f1', 'foo') true if table foo has family f1
FamilyExistsForMapping(string, string) boolean Returns true if table referenced by mapping has family familyExistsForMapping('f1', 'foomap') true if mapping foomap has family f1
IndexExistsForTable(string, string) boolean Returns true if table has index indexExistsForTable('idx1', 'foo') true if table foo has index idx1
IndexExistsForMapping(string, string) boolean Returns true if table referenced by mapping has index indexExistsForMapping('idx1', 'foomap') true if table foo has index idx1
AsyncExecutorExists(string) boolean Returns true if named AsyncExecutor exists asyncExecutorExists('exec') true if AsyncExecutor exec is declared
QueryExecutorPoolExists(string) boolean Returns true if named QueryExecutorPool exists queryExecutorPoolExists('execPool') true if QueryExecutorPool execPool is declared

Date Functions

Function Return Type Description Example Result
Now() date Returns date value of current time now() date value of current time
Date(string1, string2) date Returns date value of string1 using string2 format date('12/10/94', 'mm/dd/yy') date value '12/10/94'
LongToDate(long) date Returns date value of long ms since 1/1/70 longToDate(758189520000L) date value '12/10/94'
DateToLong(date) long Returns date value of long ms since 1/1/70 dateToLong(date('12/10/94', 'mm/dd/yy')) 758189520000L
RandomDate() date Returns random date value randomDate() random date value
MinDate() date Returns minimum date value MinDate() longToDate(0)
MaxDate() date Returns maximum date value MaxDate() longToDate(Long.MAX_VALUE)

Interval Functions

Function Return Type Description Example Result
Milli(long) interval Returns interval equal to long milliseconds milli(3) 3 millisecond interval
Second(long) interval Returns interval equal to long seconds second(3) 3 second interval
Hour(long) interval Returns interval equal to long hours hour(3) 3 hour interval
Day(long) interval Returns interval equal to long days day(3) 3 day interval
Week(long) interval Returns interval equal to long weeks week(3) 3 week interval
Year(long) interval Returns interval equal to long years year(3) 3 year interval

Aggregate Functions

Function Return Type Description Example Result
Min(expression) type of expression Returns minimum value of expression across all values min(f2:val1) minimum f2:val1
Max(expression) type of expression Returns maximum value of expression across all values max(val2) maximum val2
Count() long Returns number of values count() Number of values